Courses, Training & Activities

Activities & Courses

Situational Awareness Training

Do you have the foundations for good personal security?

Personal security is an attitude of mind. It is about assessing the situation that you are in and taking a balanced view. Look at your safety from a point of view of a potential attacker, are you an easy target when are you most vulnerable? How vulnerable are you? How can you avoid being chosen as a target?

How to respond to an attack let common sense take its course and instincts.

You need to be prepared, mentally as well as physically, rehearsing your responses and take all measures available must be a part of your training. Our personal safety training course gives attendees measures that can be taken to minimise the risks to personal safety. Covering the risks of working alone, travelling alone plus much more.

Assertiveness Training

Making yourself seem assertive to others, even if you don't feel it is mostly about maintaining control, how you phrase your speech, your body language and being clear on what you are saying. When people are scared or unsure of something, their responses to certain situations can be affected.

Likewise, when a person is frightened of believing or investigating an issue that is deeply bothering them, one of the most commonly seen emotions is anger. Strive to develop a realistic yet optimistic inner monologue. Re-frame thoughts, such as "this will never work" with, "if I work hard, I’ll improve my chances of success". 

You can’t eliminate all of your negative thoughts. Everyone has bad days but by replacing those overly pessimistic thoughts with more realistic expectations, you can stay on course and manage the bad days.

Fear Control

Psychology over substance

Strengthening your psych and motivation are essential to developing fear control. Many people have survived insurmountable circumstances simply by convincing themselves that they were not meant to die in those conditions. Whatever you use for motivation, make sure it is powerful enough to overcome the negative feelings that often accompany extreme stress. On our courses you will develop this attitude. 

Would you like to gain mental strength, if so enrol on our courses you will learn how to develop this mind set and be able to use in your everyday life.

Counter Terrorism Awareness Training

Counter terrorism is an effective strategy that incorporates the practices of military and government body tactics to combat or prevent terrorism. The main aim of counter terrorism strategies is to reduce the impact of a terrorist attack and give individuals the knowledge they need to handle sensitive incidents.

As the nature of terrorism means that large businesses and their employees can become targets, many organisations are preparing for the threat with counter terrorism training. Sphere's counter terrorism training ensures employees have the skills to react appropriately in the event of an attack, decreasing the impact of harm to themselves, their colleagues and members of the public.


The benefits of Sphere's counter terrorism training can be the difference between life and death in many cases and can be a vital tool during a terrorist attack. Having trained with Sphere Protection Services employees will know exactly what to do if the case arises. Failure to properly educate your employees on what to do during a dangerous situation, could leave them vulnerable and at risk of danger.

Our course is designed to heighten awareness of issues arising from terrorism that can affect individuals and organisations at home or abroad. The terrorism threat is very real and can affect anyone at anytime and anywhere. Whether nationally or internationally employers have a “Duty of Care” to their employees and a terror situation is now a foreseeable risk that therefore should be planned for in part by developing Crisis Management Plans and Preparation.

We offer counter terrorism training to the public and business owners in the UK. Having delivered counter terrorism courses to companies and organisations around the UK and Internationally our head of training has a wealth of knowledge and experience in counter terrorism both at home and internationally and therefore you will receive unequaled anti-terrorism training and advice.

Lone Worker Personal Safety Training

Are you at risk of aggression verbally, physically or psychologically?

Our bespoke courses are delivered at our training centre or at a venue of your choice.

Developed and designed to heighten awareness of risks you may encounter while working alone, giving you greater awareness and understanding of potential risks and develop your ability to manage conflict.

Below are some of the areas covered although the list is not exhaustive as your course will be tailored to suit your organisation.

·    Lone working - Assessing and identifying risk

·    Travel safety - Strategies for all forms of transport

·    Home visits - Safety and personal security while conducting home visits - pre, during and post

·    Risk assessment - preparation, planning and mitigation

·    Conflict management - Verbal, psychological and physical de-escalation tactics and strategies

.    Risk mitigation and resolving incidents

Sphere Active Shooter/Assailant Response Training Programme


Contingency programmes in Schools, Colleges and Universities, Hospitals and Healthcare establishments.

Preparing and Responding to Active Shooters/Active Assailants


Our programmes, seminars and courses provide guidance to:

·    Individuals

·    Managers

·    Employees

·    Educational Staff

·    Tutors

·    Emergency Services Staff

So, they prepare to respond to an active assailant situation wherever it may be:

·    Mass gatherings

·    Schools, Colleges and Universities

·    Sports Arenas

·    Critical Infrastructure Buildings


Options that have been proven to be most effective in the preparation and response to incidents such as active shooters, active assailants, complex coordinated attacks, terrorists or other extreme actors.


Our programmes, seminars and courses are delivered by Sphere’s subject matter expert to guide and assist with any organisation’s emergency contingency action planning.

Abduction and Kidnapping Prevention

Paramount to survival in the event of an attempted abduction or kidnapping situations this course provides the essentials in avoidance and anti kidnapping measures. Our courses are designed to increase chances of surviving an abduction situation.


Training includes:

  • Counter Abduction Principles
  • Threat recognition, 
  • Potential target areas, 
  • Situational survival, 
  • Vulnerability assessment, 
  • Travel and route security, 
  • The use of your environment 
  • Noticing the signs of child grooming and exploitation.


Focus is placed on breaking contact as quickly and efficiently as possible utilizing proven strategies and tactics.

Anti abduction training for Schools

The average age of a trafficked victim is twelve, so it is important that this conversation happens early and often! Anti-abduction training should be provided to school students, which would include, teaching the children to speak up when someone is taking them whom they do not believe they should accompany.

Our training is combined with other important training, such as training on adult/student boundaries, bullying, and harassment. Through Sphere's training programmes, our dedicated team strives to improve the knowledge and understanding of bullying behaviour for children, young people, parents and professionals. Each training session is unique and interactive.             

They are practical, hands-on and are full of information, If you’d like Sphere's founder/chief instructor to deliver a course at your school, let us know using details on our contact page We have a fantastic range of anti abduction awareness training packages that are age appropriate and cover safety also offering open dialogue with parents. 

Kidnapping and the Private Sector

The news media focuses primarily on kidnapping cases involving high-profile targets such as journalists ,high-net-worth individuals, and children. However, depictions in film and television have created a popular perception of kidnapping that is at odds with the reality. Kidnaps-for-ransom is happening every day around the world, influenced by geography, conflict, political, economic, and social issues and many cases go unreported. In some parts of the world, law enforcement are too ineffective to properly guide kidnap victims to a safe resolution. It is into this area that private sector organisations step in to offer support and assist in securing safe release . Structure provided by experts can help with negotiations, victims family and employer liaisons, plus arrange post-incident support.

Our consultants are experts having been in hostage rescue situations and counter terrorism. They have vast experience of how these groups operate.

Offering our training to employees or individuals will give the confidence to mitigate against the risk.

Participants will learn strategies for effective response during a kidnap situation. Through a combination of theory, visual and realistic scenarios participants will go through the syllabus which includes:


  • Conduct during capture
  • Kidnapper tactics - modus operandi
  • Prevention strategies
  • Response
  • Situational awareness
  • Coping mechanisms

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